Welcome to the Website of St Michael’s Roman Catholic Church, 53 Blackness Road, Linlithgow, EH49 7JA. Father Paul and the parishioners warmly welcome new parishioners and visitors to our church. In this Web Site you will find details of our services and information related to the Parish.

Very Rev Canon Paul Kelly our Parish Priest

Public Mass on Sunday is at 9:15am and 11:00am
Click here to see our newsletter with times for DAILY MASS and CONFESSION
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Latest news :
- Letter from Emerald Hill Children’s Home, Zimbabwe
- Saint Joseph’s Primary School
- Stump socks
- SCIAF – Impact Magazine
Our Vision Statement…
We the parish community of St Michael’s Linlithgow are committed actively to live the mission of Faith given to the first apostles in a spirit of love in a multicultural society.
We try to encourage and evangelize, across generations, the worship and glorification of God through the life and word of Jesus Christ within the teaching and traditions of the Catholic Church.
All visitors are very welcome to attend our Church. We welcome members of other Christian Faiths, members of non-Christian Faiths and people of no religious faith or beliefs. However, please note that only those who have been Baptised in the Catholic Church may receive Holy Communion. This is because, as Catholics, we believe that during the Liturgy of the Eucharistic, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. We ask that you respect our beliefs in our Church, even if you do not agree with them. Non-Catholics of any age can approach the Priest during the distribution of Communion and receive a blessing instead.
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact our Parish Priest, Rev Fr Paul Kelly.